At work: 22 weeks + 2 days |
Baby’s size: At 25 weeks + 3 days, Baby Girl weighs over a pound and a half — the size of a rutabaga! — and she is about 9 inches long from crown to rump, or 13.5 inches from head to heel.
Weight gained: I’ve only gained about 2 pounds since week 20. I’m up a total of 10-11 pounds since becoming pregnant. Since I was told that the benchmark is to gain 10 pounds by week 20 and then a pound a week after that, I was worrying (once again) that my weight gain has been too slow or minimal. But I had a checkup with the OB on Thursday (at 24w7d) and I was told all is looking well! The nurse measured my fundal height (for the first time) and it was 23 cm. She said they like to see it within one or two centimeters of how far along you are, so 23 cm at almost 25 weeks is normal. While my bump still looks smaller in the morning, it definitely feels bigger/fuller/heavier in the evening, especially after working (and eating!) all day.
Symptoms wise, I’m feeling: Fortunately, I still feel pretty good. I have been experiencing a bit of uncomfortable pressure in my lower abdomen at the end of my shifts, which I attribute to rushing around on my feet all day. (That retail/bridal stylist life!) There have been a few times I’ve had to slow down my pace because I’m feeling a bit of pain. And last night, after driving home, I felt super uncomfortable when I stepped out of the car to walk inside the house. I actually had to lay down with my pups for 15-20 minutes before feeling OK to take them outside for a potty break.
Other than that, not too many new symptoms to report. Well, I’ve had a bit of intestinal trouble the last week or two, but I’ll spare you the details! It’s typical pregnancy stuff, though. One funny symptom that I didn’t mention in my last update is… hiccups! Not the baby hiccuping, but me! Luckily it isn’t a constant thing, just the random hiccup or two now and then. I’m guessing it is from my organs being shifted upwards by the baby.
The countless trips to the bathroom continue — I don’t think that will change anytime soon. But the good news is the weird, rash-like red bumps I was getting on my face seem to have disappeared. And my hair has inexplicably been easier to care for! I can go much longer than usual without washing and it still looks nice. I know I need to enjoy this perk now since I’ve heard postpartum hair loss is common.
Sleep status: I’ve been a bit of an insomniac lately. I just don’t feel tired at 10 or 11 p.m. Probably because I get home from work so late (around 8 or 9) and because I have so much on my mind, but I know going to bed after midnight or later isn’t ideal. I’m working on it!
Movement: I’m so overjoyed to feel Baby Girl moving around quite frequently now. Two nights ago, laying in bed, she was really moving and grooving — it felt like she was flailing around, moving her hands and feet at the same time! I was feeling movements all over my belly. She’s definitely most active at night and sometimes in the morning, but I have occasionally felt her during the day at work too. A bit distracting when I’m talking to a bride, but I love it! Usually all the moving around I do at work lulls her to sleep. But on my days off, like today, when I’m sitting on the couch, I feel her little kicks now and then.
Food love: I’m strangely into PB&J lately, which is so not like me. I’ve been having a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich most mornings for breakfast.
Food hate: Still not feeling excited about fish, but when the hubby makes salmon I eat as much as I can because I know it is good for the baby!
With my fur baby: 23 weeks |
Currently living in: Same as before, dresses at work and leggings at home. I did order a few items from PinkBlush — two casual dresses for my days off and a pair of maternity leggings — but they haven’t arrived yet.
Baby/pregnancy-related purchases: Several things for the nursery! A baby monitor. A potential going home outfit. And a labor and delivery gown.
What I miss: Other than the very rare craving for wine, the only other thing that I sometimes wish I could have is a turkey sandwich. But a cooked chicken breast sandwich is just fine, too.
What I’m loving: Feeling the baby kick! And the fact that the registry is pretty much complete. I can move on to planning/researching other things :)
Looking forward to: Having my hubby home. Greg has been “deployed” the last two weeks. Not deployed far, just about 45 minutes away, but he isn’t able to come home. He was driving home in the afternoons at first, to let the dogs out and hang with me for an hour or two after work before driving back to the base to sleep, but the gas bills were adding up. He should be home on Tuesday, but then he’s headed to San Diego for a week next Sunday.
Best moment of the week/month: At the beginning of July, finding out that Baby T is a girl! Hitting the viability milestone at 24 weeks. Seeing my bump grow, slowly but surely. And getting to hear her heartbeat again at our last checkup. She stays consistent, at 156 bpm.
Side by side: Comparing my first bump photo to my most recent at almost 25 weeks |