Sunday, September 10, 2017

Pregnancy Update: Second/Third Trimester, Weeks 26-30

^^^ Same night, same bump, at 27 weeks. ^^^

This bumpdate is a bit overdue… I’m actually writing it as the hubby and I make our way down to Southern California for a much-needed vacation, that is bookended by two joyous events. We’ll babymoon in Pismo for several days but first up is my best friend’s daughter’s first birthday party (which, as of finally posting, was yesterday!) and the following weekend we will celebrate Baby T at my baby shower.

Baby’s size: At 30 weeks (can you believe it?! only 10 weeks left!), baby is estimated to be 15.7 inches long and weighs around 3 pounds — about the size of a large cabbage, or a butternut squash. I had an ultrasound on Thursday and the technician measured Baby T to be 3 lbs 4 oz, with a strong heartbeat of 145 bpm.

Weight gained: Just about 12-13 pounds. Still relatively low (or, at least, lower than my and other’s expectations) but every medical professional I ask assures me that baby and I are A-OK! And they tell me to enjoy it :)

Fur baby and the baby bump. 27 weeks.

Symptoms & Sleep Status: Really good! Looking back on the second trimester, and even the first, I’ve had a fairly easy pregnancy, for which I feel so grateful. Getting pregnant was not as easy as for me as it is for most, so I consider it a gift that I’ve been able to enjoy being pregnant with no major aches, pains or other issues that would otherwise make carrying this child an unpleasant process. I’m able to work, sleep, eat and generally go about my life much as I normally would.

Movement: I’m so happy to report that I’ve been feeling Baby Girl quite frequently now! She is still most active in the morning and evening, as well as after I eat,  but I’ll notice her even during the middle of the day while I’m at work. I’ll be talking to a bride or entering notes and she’ll give me a kick — somewhat distracting, but no complaints here. I’ll take every kick, jab, roll and squirm she can dish out. Though, I will say that sometimes it feels like there is a wriggly little worm in my belly and it is the oddest but most wonderful feeling.

Rocking my maternity leggings in the mess that is (or, will be) the nursery. 27 weeks.

Currently living in: Not much has changed on the wardrobe front. Almost everything still fits since I’ve always been a flowy dress kind of gal. I’ve been on the lookout for more fitted pieces though, since at this point I really want to show off the bump!

Baby/pregnancy-related purchases: The biggest recent purchase is a rocking chair for the nursery. A mid-century style rocker that I’d had my eye on finally came back in stock so I jumped on it. The chair is similar to the Nursery Works Sleepytime Rocker that I loved but it has a higher back (that is hopefully more comfortable for tall folks like me who may want to rest their weary heads) and a lower price. Fingers crossed I like it when it arrives since I ordered it online and wasn’t able to try it out.

What I miss: Not much, and nothing I haven’t mentioned before. Wine, eggs benny… Things that I would give up again and again just to feel my little one kick.

What I’m loving: This is obvious: Feeling my daughter moving and growing inside me.

One for you and one for me. So hard shopping for other mama's babies
and not getting something for your own!

Looking forward to: My baby shower! I know my best friend has put so much time and energy into planning something special and memorable for me, and I can’t wait to celebrate Baby T with my friends and family.

Best moment of the week/month: There have been several highlights but one is my thoughtful coworkers showing me so much kindness and support and showering me with beautiful gifts for baby girl.


A few more photos from the past few weeks:

28 weeks + 3 days: A Sunday fun day at the Presidio of San Francisco.

Me and my (3!) babies in the San Francisco sunshine, enjoying the Presidio Picnic.

28 weeks: Morning cup of decaf with the bump.

30 weeks + 2 days: A rare shot of me in a bikini,
taken at my best friend's daughter's birthday party yesterday.

A recent peek at our little one, during an ultrasound on Sept. 7 (a day shy of 30 weeks).
She loves to hide her face with her hands!