Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Our little lady is three months old today! What they say is true: The days are long but the years (or in this case, months!) are short. It is hard to believe that Delilah Wren is a quarter-of-a-year old already! How can that be? Time is flying by, as it does. You blink and things change. A year ago this babe was just a long-held dream, one I decided to share with the world via this blog. My first posts were published in January 2017. Today, my dream is a little person, with a sweet and sassy personality showing through more and more with each passing day.

And, yes. She was totally worth the wait!

Having just cracked the 10 pound mark yesterday, and measuring 22 inches long at her most recent visit to the pediatrician a week ago, our little bird is outgrowing her newborn clothes and finally fits into this cute 0-3 month onesie that I purchased for our pregnancy announcement. She is taller than she is heavy, so we will definitely be graduating to the next size up in pajamas soon! Or just wearing lots of pants with feet freeeee! :) 

Delilah is smiling much more now, multiple times a day, which is such a treat, and she even seems to be trying to figure out how to laugh with the occasional burst of energetic sound. She is extra smiley in the mornings and when Daddy makes funny noises. 

She still loves her WubbaNub something fierce but she also has a new bunny lovey friend that she likes to hold. Baby girl knows her hands are her hands and — despite the danger of her razor-sharp claws fingernails that she tends to wield wildly — we've been trying to make sure her paws are free from mitts more often so that she can touch, explore and grab. She clutches the bottle (or our hand on the bottle) during feedings and, while she sometimes misses, Delilah is determined to get the pacifier back in her mouth on her own when she loses it. 

She is also more interested in playtime as well as her play gym now, looking directly at the toys dangling above her while waving her arms and kicking her legs. She is tracking objects with her eyes (when she's interested) and even appears to be looking at the book during story time (when she's not falling asleep!). Hush Little Polar Bear and Corduroy have been on heavy rotation. Tummy time is getting better too, even though she still mostly hates it. 

Our sensitive girl is easily overwhelmed and overstimulated. Diaper and outfit changes annoy her and bath time is yet to be as calming as we'd like it to be. She can go from giddy to irritated in a flash, and when she wants her food she wants it NOW. But a bit of bouncing, soft strokes on the head, and a suck on the pacifier can usually soothe her. And if she just won't relax or fall asleep we ask Alexa to play Ed Sheeran (ha!). While daytime naps are hit-or-miss (and usually short-lived thanks to the dogs and the postman), Delilah is a pretty good sleeper at night (knock on wood!), hitting the hay around 8 or 9 p.m. and snoozing until about 4 or 5 in the morning. For that, Mommy and Daddy are grateful!

All told, life with a baby is a roller coaster. She's up, she's down. We're up, we're down. The three of us, we're all learning and growing. The days are long, and they aren't easy. But, without a doubt, they are so, so worth it.

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