Monday, November 6, 2017

Hello, Baby! Introducing Delilah Wren

Delilah Wren
born October 23, 2017 at 6:08 p.m.
weighing 5 pounds, 9 ounces
measuring 18.25" long

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind, to say the least. Much to our surprise, Greg and I welcomed our precious daughter, Delilah Wren, into the world on Monday, Oct. 23 via an emergency c-section. Our November baby decided to be an October baby (her birthday is just a week after daddy's!). She was born at 36 weeks + 4 days.

To say we were shocked and unprepared would be an understatement; I delivered her the very first day of my maternity leave. She didn't want to wait any longer apparently, or give her type-A mother the time she had banked on to get all her proverbial rubber duckies in a row. Delilah threw us our first curveball of parenthood! Nice one, little girl. At home, we didn't have the right size clothes, the nursery was in a disarray, we didn't even have a place for you to sleep (don't worry, we got one!). But we did have the most important thing we could ever provide for you: LOVE. We may not have been quite yet ready for your arrival, but we've loved you forever — since before you were conceived, since you were a dream in our hearts. We had already fallen head over heels when you were an embryo in the lab, and seeing you in the flesh was, well — words can't even express the joy. The tearful elation. The height of love. And it is that everlasting adoration for you that has and will continue to carry us through the hard moments, the long days and nights, as we adjust to parenthood and to living as a family of three. Plus two fur siblings, of course. They already love their baby sister, too.

I'll share the full birth story eventually (update: part I here!), but for now I'll leave you with a few more peeks at miss Delilah's beautiful, sweet, sleepy face.


  1. Congrats!! I’m so happy for you guys!

  2. She is SO beautiful, I have been thinking of you guys lots. Can't even imagine how scary / hard it would have been to be thrown into parenthood so suddenly and early without being fully prepared. Sounds like you guys are handling it wonderfully though. Sending so much love! xoxo

    1. Thank you, Amber! It's definitely been an overwhelming experience. She caught us totally off guard! We're taking it day by day as best we can, and slowly trying to find some sort of routine. Nothing can fully prepare you for parenthood, but those few extra weeks would have been nice ;) Thank you for all your love and support, friend! xoxo
