Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Nursery Tour

When Delilah was born more than three weeks early, we were most certainly not prepared to be taking home a baby, in many ways. One being that the nursery was unfinished, with art and decor still left to be hung and organized, as well as piles of baby clothes and linens scattered on the floor waiting to be washed, folded and sorted. Thankfully, while we were in the hospital, my sweet best friend spent an afternoon taking care of the latter. And fortunately, babies don't tend to sleep in their nurseries right away. (She's been snoozing in a bassinet at my bedside.) Nevertheless, I wanted to get the room buttoned up, to complete the nesting process. After ordering a few more things off my want list and finding a couple hours to get everything just so, Delilah's nursery is done! Part of me hesitates to say done, because I'm the type of person who is never really finished when it comes to decorating. (My husband will attest.) While there are a couple more pieces I'd like to add to the room, I am feeling pleased with how it's turned out thus far and I'm ready to share. 

When designing Delilah's nursery, my goal was to create a cheerful and child-friendly space that still felt stylish and in keeping with the aesthetic Greg and I enjoy, since we'll be in the room just as much as our daughter! The desert theme is reflective of our Southern California roots and my unending love for succulents and cacti. The color palette is engaging but still soft and feminine. The overall vibe is eclectic. There's a mid-century modern sensibility, as seen in the larger furniture pieces (crib, dresser, rocking chair, bookcase). But I wanted to warm up those simple, clean lines with natural, rustic elements (wood, jute) and imagery that brings the outdoors in. A colorful tilework-inspired rug and large watwercolor-esque tapestry, along with a rattan mirror and yarn dreamcatcher, lend a bohemian spirit. Meanwhile, funky accessories including a handmade bird mobile and slightly kitschy cactus lamp add a dash of whimsy to the room.

Without further ado, here's a few photos if you'd like to see... and a source list at the end for those who are interested! (You can also check out my inspiration for the room here.)

Source List

Cactus lamp (new color online)
Cactus pillow (from Urban Outfitters, out of stock)
Modern bohemian dreamcatcher, by DayCrafter (similar)


  1. I LOVE IT!!! It's so beautiful and looks like it could be in a magazine. I'm so glad you had the chance to put the finishing touches on it after Delilah's early arrival.

    1. Thank you, friend! That is so kind of you to say. I had a pretty specific vision in mind and while I had to make a few compromises here and there (decorating a whole room can be expensive!) I am really pleased with how it turned out. Now to wait 6+ months for Delilah to actually use her crib, haha!
