Friday, July 7, 2017

Baby Thilgen is a...

He or She? What will Baby Thilgen be?

Dear Baby,

You’re a girl! You already know that, of course. But we just found out yesterday. It was so exciting! We’re halfway to meeting you and we still didn’t know whether to call you he or she. And you surprised us. We played a little game with our family and friends and made them guess. Most people were thinking boy — even your daddy! I didn’t have a strong feeling either way, but I’ll admit I was getting used to the idea that you were a boy since that’s what everyone was telling me!

When we went to the doctor’s office for our ultrasound yesterday, I became anxious. I started tapping my fingers and toes, and generally getting antsy. They always make us wait forever, baby! But once it was our turn, the technician, Erin, was kind and fun and made the whole experience an enjoyable one. She kept your secret and didn’t tell us boy or girl. Instead, she filled out a card that I had made for your dad and I to open later, in private. We started this journey together and we decided it would be that much sweeter to hear the news, just the two of us.

Because we couldn’t wait any longer, we left the doctor’s office in Walnut Creek and drove to a beautiful park nearby. It was a hot summer day. We sat on a bench beside a lake, shaded by trees. Daddy wanted to rip the card open but I made him wait a few minutes and took a couple photos. Then I prayed for us, and for you. Finally we were ready. Dad held the card in his hands and, while looking into each other’s eyes, we counted 1, 2, 3… We looked down at the now open card and your papa shouted with joy and amazement, probably loud enough for the other park-goers to hear: IT’S A GIRL! We laughed, I cried, we kissed. We were so, so happy, little one. We would have been either way.

Because the very best news we received yesterday was that you are looking healthy and strong. Your growth is right on track. You weigh 13 ounces! Your heart, brain, lungs and kidneys are looking perfect. We were even able to count your fingers and toes. Tens for both! You were quite the mover and shaker during the scan, and all your “boxing” and wiggling made it only slightly difficult for Erin to capture photos of your heart. But we loved it. You made us all chuckle with your feisty behavior. You seemed to know that we were trying to get a good look at you, that a camera was in your face. And, much like your mama, you weren’t so into the pictures. You held your hand up in front of your cute mug and we imagined you saying, “No paparazzi!” Daddy thinks you might have my nose, and I’m sorry if that’s the case. 

To celebrate the big reveal, we went shopping for you! (You’re welcome. Many shopping trips with mama are in your future.) We picked out a pretty, rose-colored dress with floral embroidery at a sweet children’s boutique in Lafayette. I think you will look absolutely adorable in it come next spring. (It will likely be cold, and maybe rainy, when you are born.)

We also shared the news with our nearest and dearest, including all the grandparents, and your Auntie Marielle, who has a little girl, too! I hope you and Ellie will one day be wonderful friends.

Baby, we are so grateful for you and can’t wait to meet you in November. We love you so much already! And thank you for all the bedtime kicks this week — daddy felt one of your jabs last night. Feeling you makes mama’s heart so glad.

With lots of love and belly rubs,
Mommy & Daddy


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