Monday, July 3, 2017

Pregnancy Update: Second Trimester, Weeks 14-20

This past Friday, June 30, marked the beginning of my 20th week of pregnancy — I’ve reached the halfway point! It is hard to believe that I’m halfway to meeting my little love. These past seven weeks seem to have flown by and gone so slowly all at once. Looking back, time always seems to have gone by faster than it felt in the moment. Because waiting for the next ultrasound, waiting to feel the baby kick, waiting to see my belly grow into something that looks more discernibly like a baby bump… All of that waiting made time feel like it was ticking by at a snail’s pace. And then, before we knew it, we were in week 20 and our anatomy scan is just days away. Read on for the full lowdown on how the second trimester is shaping up so far.

One day shy of 18 weeks.

Baby’s size: Depending on which app you look at, Baby Thilgen is the size of a mango or a small cantaloupe. Weighing in at about 10.5 ounces, the little one is about 6.5 inches from head to bottom, or 10 inches from head to heel — about the length of a small banana!

Weight gained: My scale is driving me a bit batty this week. A few days ago I hit 163, which would mean I had gained about 9 pounds thus far, putting me right on track since my OB said I should ideally gain 10 pounds by week 20. And yet, the past two days I seem to be losing weight, at 162 and, today, 161. I’m going to try not to worry because, 1) my scale is probably not the most accurate (but it is the same one I’ve been using since the beginning!) and 2) weight does fluctuate. But it is something I’m going to bring up at my next appointment. I want to make sure I am gaining enough to support baby’s development.

On a related note, I've been having bump envy/anxiety most of my pregnancy, but especially since about week 16. My bump is simply not as big as other expectant mamas-to-be and while I know every body reacts to pregnancy differently, I can't help but be envious of other's big round bellies and feel slightly anxious that my smaller bump is a sign that something is wrong. At my last OB appointment, the doctor told me not to worry, that I shouldn't really be showing until about week 20 anyway. I try to remember that when I feel worried, and I have grown in the weeks since that visit with my doctor. And yet, in the morning when I first wake up and my belly looks not so pronounced, I can't help but feel almost sad. At the end of the day, my bump always looks larger, but if you didn't know me you likely wouldn't guess that I'm with child, especially since I tend to wear flowing, A-line dresses. This is the one time in my life where I weigh myself every day and wish that the number would climb higher. The only time I've ever looked in the mirror and wished my stomach was bigger!

20 weeks, day two.

Gender prediction: I don’t have a strong feeling either way. And if I do get a strong sense, it will flip-flop. One day I think boy, the next I think girl. Greg still thinks boy, but he also occasionally says “she” when talking about the baby. Most of my friends and coworkers think boy. I just keep telling everyone that there is a 50 percent chance they are correct! :)

Symptoms & Sleep Status: I’m feeling pretty good! I haven’t had any morning sickness in the second trimester. I do have more energy in general, but I still find myself tired on my days off, which I’m chalking up to the kind of work I am in (retail). The need to pee every half hour hasn’t let up, and I don’t expect it to, but I (thankfully!) tend to only get up once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. The anxiety dreams continue, but like all the other things listed here that is totally normal to experience during pregnancy. Only one perplexing symptom: My skin has been acting up. It is very dry, easily irritated and I’ve been getting unusual, almost rash-like red bumps across my forehead and around the perimeter of my cheeks. Not sure what it is but luckily the bumps are relatively flat and somewhat eased when moisturized.

Movement: I’ve been a bit bummed the past few weeks that I haven’t felt much movement. I know that it is not typical for first time moms to feel anything before week 18, and sometimes not until week 22, on average, and so I was being patient with myself. Every pregnancy is different and some women don’t feel anything until closer to week 25, but I’ve been eager to feel something inside just to have the reassurance that baby is, quite literally, alive and kicking! Of course there have been instances where I feel a twinge and think, maybe that’s baby. But it’s such a vague and fleeting feeling, that I can’t be certain. I haven’t felt the flutters or other sensations (like a fishy swimming) that other women who are about as far along as I describe. That is, until last night. 

Last night, as I was laying in bed, I put my hand on my belly. I was having a lot of gas (sorry if that’s TMI!) but I know that women often feel their babies most when they’ve settled down for the night. So I was scrolling on my cell phone, as I tend to do before bedtime (guilty), feeling the tiniest of movements under my fingers but unsure if I was feeling gas or baby. (Sometimes I even feel my tummy kind of puff up but, again, I’m never sure if that’s baby repositioning or excess air.) I’m reading something on my phone when I start to sense what feels like a gas bubble moving up my abdomen when BAM! Something kicks my palm! It was so sudden and distinct that it scared me. I literally jumped and gasped. I put my phone down to try to focus and I felt more little flicks. I was debating whether to wake my husband up and I finally did but of course once I shifted over to get closer to him the movements subsided. Greg believes he felt a tiny kick. I kind of wanted someone else to feel what I was feeling so I would know it was real! Nevertheless, I feel fairly certain that last night’s bubbles, pops and taps were Baby T saying hello.

My typical, albeit more patriotic than usual, breakfast.

Food love: Still carbs. But I’m starting to get back into veggies and definitely eating more fruits than I usually do. My typical breakfast as of late: blueberries and vanilla yogurt, with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Lest you think I’m super healthy, I do get the odd craving now and again, and my sweet husband usually obliges. Just the other night I had a hankering for cake. Not any kind of cake, mind you, but bundt cake. Vanilla bundt cake with chocolate frosting. And vanilla ice cream. Greg went to the store and got the closest thing he could find, a “pudding cake” ring with chocolate chips and Ghirardelli drizzle. He’s pretty great, that guy.

Food hate: My aversions have subsided. I’m still picky when it comes to dinner, but salmon has been introduced back into rotation. (I told my husband that I just need the fish to have some kind of sauce, so he’s started making our old favorite, teriyaki salmon, again.) 

A sweet message from my husband.

Currently living in: Dresses at work and leggings (or a swingy nightgown) at home. But my leggings are starting to feel a bit tight so I just ordered a pair of maternity leggings! My first piece of maternity wear. My skinny jeans — the only kind I wear — are totally out of the question now. I can squeeze into them but it is unbearably uncomfortable so I’m stuck when it comes to dressing casually. I may have to give in and order some maternity pants soon, too.

Baby/pregnancy-related purchases: We ordered the crib and dresser! (It’ll be several more weeks until it comes in though.) We have a side table already, too. There was a mini appreciation at work last month, so I took the opportunity to scoop up (at a discount) a quilt and baby book from Anthropologie. I also bought a cute stuffed animal (that reminds me of my favorite childhood toy) from Biscuit and recently ordered a cozy gender neutral outfit from Target, since it was being discontinued. In addition, I got a couple more pregnancy/baby books — I just need to start reading them!

This is how Jasper feels about reading pregnancy books!

What I miss: Nothing, really. Once it gets really hot I think I’ll crave a glass of rose but honestly it hasn’t been difficult giving up my wine-loving ways. It’s not forever, anyway!

What I’m loving: Feeling the baby kick last night.

At 19 weeks, day three, during a recent trip into the city to visit Giggle for some registry recon.
Jeans were a no-go, so I oped to put on a fitted dress and embrace my tiny baby bump!

Looking forward to: Finishing the registry. Ha! It seems like a never-ending task and all the research and product comparing has just upped my stress levels. But the main things I’m looking forward to are seeing the baby at our next ultrasound appointment on Thursday, finding out the sex of the baby, feeling more kicks and seeing my bump expand. Grow, baby, grow!

Best moment of the week/month: I think the best moment of this trimester is just a few days away… so stay tuned! ;)


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